Monday, January 13, 2014

Minding the Gap

Hello friends! I hope everyone is off to a good start in 2014. I, for one, was immensely glad to see the calendar switch to January, as 2013 was one of the most difficult years I've endured. It was definitely my worst financially, which led to me not getting to England as hoped. I have not given up, though. It will happen at the most beautifully perfect time for me, although I am certainly hoping that that means this year!

There's a phrase used in the London Underground called "mind the gap". It means be careful stepping from the platform to the train door. I love the phrase and can't wait to see it when I'm riding the Tube. But as the phrase has come to my mind many times, there's a deeper meaning that has emerged.

Photo Source: Wikipedia

Right now, there's a gap between where I am and where I want to be. That applies to pretty much all areas of my life, but let's just specify it to getting over to England. I've received the dream, and have done initial research, but quite honestly, I feel like I've dropped the ball a little bit on actively pursuing this. I feel a bit like it's completely out of my hands (which it is), so what can I really do about it, hmmm?


I need to mind the gap better in 2014. I need to be constantly doing things that remind me of my dream, and that will help me move toward it, even if it feels like the tiniest step. Whether that is reading or researching or talking to someone, the point is that it's doing something. One thing I plan on doing is blogging on here more, even if it's just about a video or article I saw about something British. It will help to keep me more connected.

Each of us has a gap somewhere in our lives that we need to mind better. We are in the season of New Year's resolutions, and fresh starts. Let's all make it a point to be more diligent in minding these gaps, of making our goals and dreams a reality.

And just for fun, I'm pretty sure I found this on Buzzfeed. I love it!

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